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Comparative Analysis

Metal Detector or X-Ray: Which is best?


With the steady downward trend of X-Ray system pricing, the decision line between Metal Detectors and X-Ray is becoming increasingly narrower. In the past, the cost of X-Ray systems made them prohibitive for all but the most demanding applications. That is no longer the case, although X-Ray is not always the best choice.

What can each system detect?

Review the general guide and then send us a sample to test.

X-ray versus Metal Detector detection comparison

What's the difference?

Unlike Metal Detectors, X-Ray systems come in a wide range of types and power levels and thus a wide range in price. The greater power requirements, the greater the price. Because they detect based on density rather than conductivity, as metal detectors do, X-Rays require different power levels depending on what they need to see through. As with metal detectors, the product characteristics will impact performance. Simply put, X-Ray will not detect everything.


Products with a large amount of variable density ingredients can limit what an X-Ray can detect, but will not affect a metal detector. Conversely, a product with a high moisture or salt content will adversely affect a metal detector but have no impact on an X-Ray. Each system will offer a better cost/performance return depending on the type of product you are detecting. Remember the X-Ray looks for density anomalies and metal detectors look for conductivity in a product. Our 5 frequency Sentinel 5000 Metal Detector is blurring the decision line even further.


Testing Available: Find out which technology is best for your product.


Send us samples of what you want to test and we will test them using both an X-Ray and Metal Detector. We will send you the results in a full report for each product using each detection technology.


Complete the form below,  call us at 781-944-8000 or use the button below to alert us that you have product coming to us.

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